Page name: Undead Zoo!Npcs [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-19 01:39:57
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
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Yay!! for NPCS!!

Vampire S
She rarely shows any expression and never seems impressed. Despite this she was a major contributor to the Blood Games and is considered an Aristocrat of the non-human underground.
She is an associate of Fern, but even Fern fears her. Where Fern is dramatic and manipulative and seems to put on a show for the people around her--the Ringleader of sorts--Nova is more of the spectator you can't afford to dissapoint, or--to quote--"There will be consequences."

1. Betty!: <img:stuff/aj/190343/1358643150.jpg>

2. Mark(a.k.a Frens brother): <img300*0:stuff/aj/190343/1358657417.jpg>

3. Clerk twins(Meko & Maniko): <img:stuff/aj/190343/1358673221.jpg>

4. Graham:HAS BECAME A CHARACTER =3!! Soooo this slot is now...Vic:<img:stuff/aj/190343/1366266598.jpg>

5. Brandon (a.k.a Graham's widdle brodder):<img:stuff/aj/190343/1365710416.gif>





6. Edda the cook:<img:stuff/aj/190343/1359162426.jpg>

7. Lilly:<img:stuff/aj/190343/1375144481.jpg>

8. Koby:<img:stuff/aj/189486/1360288592.0 >

9. Iris:<img:stuff/aj/190343/1360289126.jpg>

10.Kyo and Kimi:<img:stuff/aj/190343/1361929048.jpg>

11.Soron.Yue's lab co-worker:<img:stuff/aj/190343/1362183955.jpg>


13.Real name unknown goes by Chaos:

Chaos appears as a little cat boy and loves to cause mischief. It is uncertain what his nature is truly like due to constantly acting different. If questioned about his past or who he is he tends to change the subject. He appears to be about ten.

14. Edgar (Novas servant boy):<img:stuff/aj/190343/1376805254.jpg>

theme:All that sh-- is gone. By Carolina Liar

15. Arthur (one of Luki's men)

16. Isaac~!:<img500*0:stuff/aj/190343/1380770479.jpg>

17. Crazy bird: <img:stuff/aj/190343/1358673276.png>

18. Fox (Elden): <img:stuff/aj/190343/1358673315.jpg>

19. Clair and Caleb; Gabriel and Logan's parents.<img300*0:>

20. Ciel's parents...they'll get names later.:<img300*0:stuff/aj/190343/1362184107.jpg>

21. Sarah, Zane's mother. <img300*0:>

23. Shizu, the girl Zane loves.<img300*0:stuff/aj/88645/1363488739.jpg>

24. The boys Alex was living with and loves like brothers Jake (bigger one) and Isaac (smaller one) <img300*0:>

25. Yuki and Haniko's mother Numori.<img300*0:>

26.Isabella,Heather, Min Rin

Races: Deamon, Zombie, Zombie.



28: Logan

29: Heather (Leila's caregiver)

Daycare npcs.

Hana the care taker: <img300*0:stuff/aj/190343/1360290809.png>

Momo:!: <img300*0:stuff/aj/190343/1360289175.jpg>

Sean: <img:stuff/aj/190343/1360299548.jpg>

Alamar: <img300*0:stuff/aj/190343/1360290011.jpg>

Fuyu: <img:stuff/aj/190343/1360289971.jpg>


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2013-10-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Strange, but cute.

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: Very cute~ ^-^

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: That's what would be so strange. They're so sweet and cute by their selves, as a couple they'd give any onlookers diabetes. >.<

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: XD that a great why of putting it.

Soron: -____- I cant allow this......he tackled her...the first time he saw here

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Jace: "He was hopped up on sugar! Monitor his dessert intake, and it'll never happen again."

2013-10-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: Soron: still, If seen him, he's to hyper and childish for my Yue.

2013-10-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Your Yue? What is she a slave or your daughter?

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: Soron: she's not my slave!!

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Jace: "'Too hyper an' childish'? Ya've never seen him on the trainin' grounds, then! An' how do I know /your/ Yue's a good match for my pup, huh?!" >:/

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: Soron: Yue's very intelligent and is a high strange achiever! She's helped thousands of people and still feels like she's not doing enough. She perfect.

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Sounds like she needs an anti-anxiety prescription..."

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: Soron: >;O no she doesn't! she's very calm and level headed.

Betty: *pushes David and Yue by the door* listen to those two fight about wich one of you is better~ it's sooo cute~

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Pft. Bet she's gonna crack, soon enough... An' I'll have ya know, David can be plenty calm when he needs ta be! Pup just likes ta cheer people up, that's all!" >:o

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: Soron: Yue's not going to crack! ... and I saw /your pup/ sing 'if your happy and you know it' to himself!

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Jace: "SO HE WAS HAPPY! IS THAT A CRIME ALLAFA SUDDEN?!" D:<

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: Soron: Only crazy people sing songs like that to themselves!!

David: * from where he is with Betty and Yue* <:0 it's a good song...

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Crazy like lockin' yourself up in the basement all your life an only comin' up ta eat?" >:/

Yue: *twists her ring around her finger*

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: Soron: >__> we're busy and enjoy our jobs, there's no reason for us to wast time up stairs.

David: TT~TT what about sun shine....

2013-10-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Hey, so what if it's crazy? All the best people are a little crazy.

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Yue: *to David* "What about it?" *blinks*

Jace: "How 'bout fresh air or exercise or interactin' with people so ya don't start gettin' cabin fever an' killin' each other outta irritation or somethin'?"

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: fair point Crimson ....but the characters think differently :/

David: You need sun shine... Oh and the gardens beautiful too! =D

Soron: :/ we've never gotten like that...besides we talk to Isaac, Betty, Charles and each other.

2013-10-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, flowers are beautiful, and they smell really good too.

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Yue: "My parents are from a highly volcanic planet. Smog and sulfuric acid is technically my native environment." >___>

Jace: "Exactly! Such a limited group a people are bound ta get sick of each other once in a while!"

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Yue: O.O "Pretty~"

2013-10-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: *smiles* See, flowers are nice.

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: Soron: not really... :/

David: see those can be found in the garden... come on I'll show you!

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Ya people are just unnatural...."

Yue: "Really? Ok." :)

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: David: *takes her hand and starts leading the way to the garden*

Betty: *to Crimson* our work is done~

Soron: not really... >__>

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Yue: *follows David, but sort of stares at their hands on the walk*

Jace: "How often do any of ya even sleep?"

2013-10-30 [~Crimson Angel~]: Aw come on Soron, flowers are nice.

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: Soron: Betty and I make sure she sleeps the prepare amount...>__> I guess

David: ^-^ what's it like working in the lab?

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Ya 'guess'?" e____e

Yue: "Oh, I suppose using the machines and watching different chemical reactions are fun...But the best part is really when we discover something new~ Abnormalities in the blood can result in some of the strongest soldiers and if someone's pregnant I usually find out before they or Betty do." ^-^ "I also find diseases and infections sometimes, but usually it's before they reach an advanced stage, so Betty can restore their health with minimal risk. It does get sort of quiet at times...but that hasn't been a problem since I got my new radio~"

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: David: O.O wow, I didn't realize just how much blood can say about a person...Oh What music do you listen to?

Soron: I was referring to Crimson's comment.

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Yue: *lists bands such as MCR, P!ATD, Fall Out Boy, and Paramore, but you know...more applicable to the time of this world... >___>*

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: David: 0.0 Ummm....I think I've heard of that third one...

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Really?" :D "Aren't they amazing~?"

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: David: ^-^' I think whoever was playing them , had it up to loud...I couldn't really fallow.

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh, it's a shame when they have the volume drown out the melody...." :/

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: David: agreed.

Betty: *to Soron and Jace* Well those two are off to the garden now~

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Jace: "What?" O.O "When'd that happen?"

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: Betty: when you where discussing how a limited group of people could easily tire of each other

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Ah...were they listenin' in?" >___>

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: Betty: your welcome~

Soron: >___> Yue probably feels bad, now...

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Like David's gonna be doin' any better, hearin' ya call him 'childish'." >:/

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: Soron: He is! Yue's just Naïve..

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Like that's any better!"

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: Soron: it is!

Betty: *clears throat* BOYS! don't you want to see how this turns out?

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Jace: >________________________> "........Ok."

2013-10-30 [Kbird]: Soron: fine... -______________-

Betty: Fallow me then~ *starts leading*

2013-10-30 [ancienteye]: Jace: *follows Betty*

2013-10-31 [Kbird]: Betty: *continuing to lead*

David: Oh there's the garden!

2013-10-31 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh~" O.O "So many colors~"

2013-10-31 [Kbird]: David: Yep! and this is just the entrance~

2013-10-31 [ancienteye]: Yue: "'Just'? It doesn't all look like this?" *blinks*

2013-10-31 [Kbird]: David: No it gets better~

2013-10-31 [ancienteye]: Yue: *looks curious and excited*

2013-10-31 [Kbird]: David: *leading her deeper*

Betty: *points them out* oh there they go~

2013-10-31 [ancienteye]: Yue: :D

Jace: "...They seem ta be gettin' along..."

2013-10-31 [Kbird]: Soron: Yue looks happy...

David: see, isn't it better then you could've imagined? XD

2013-10-31 [ancienteye]: Yue: "I don't think I've ever seen so many colors in one place~ And the smell..."

2013-10-31 [Kbird]: David: ^-^ best place in the whole facility~

2013-10-31 [ancienteye]: Yue: "It's....well...." *doesn't want to say it's better then the lab...*

2013-10-31 [Kbird]: David: <img:stuff/sa-gif.gif> at least second best right?

2013-10-31 [ancienteye]: Yue: "It's the prettiest~" ^-^"

2013-10-31 [Kbird]: David: Alright I'll take it. ^-^ but I'm going to find something you can call the pretest let's see... *starts looking around* what's your favorite color?

2013-10-31 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Deep reddish pinks~"

2013-10-31 [Kbird]: David: Okay! *start looking for flowers like that*

2013-10-31 [ancienteye]: Yue: *alternates between watching him curiously and looking around at the other plants*

2013-10-31 [Kbird]: David: *comes back with a hand full of flowers with the deep reddish pink color to them* =3 like them?

2013-10-31 [ancienteye]: Yue: O.O :D "They're beautiful~!"

2013-10-31 [Kbird]: David: =3 I'm glad you like them~ so are they the pretest thing ever?

Soron: -___- he's already giving her flowers....

2013-10-31 [ancienteye]: Yue: "As far as I've ever seen~"

Jace: "They move pretty fast for 'childish' an' 'naive', huh?" O_o

2013-10-31 [Kbird]: Soron: o.o yeah...and he got her to say something was better then the lab.

David: Yay!! XD

2013-10-31 [ancienteye]: Yue: ^-^" "I feel like I should be giving you something in return..."

Jace: "Ta be fair, she said 'prettier', not 'better'."

2013-10-31 [Kbird]: Soron: ^^' right! I was almost worried there...

David: 0.0 oh..uhh you don't have to.

2013-10-31 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Worried? Because she was enjoying something outside a work?" :/

Yue: "But...I kind of want to...But I don't know what you'd like..." *looks very confused*

2013-10-31 [Kbird]: Soron: no because she was going to call something better then her work.... it..just doesn't seem possible for her..

David: ^-^' don't worry about...if you really want to get me something, get the first thing that comes to mind.....the only things I can think of that I don't like are pickles, and needles..:/

2013-10-31 [ancienteye]: Jace: *raises an eyebrow at Soron*

Yue: *giggles* "I'll keep that in mind..."

2013-10-31 [Kbird]: Soron: -.- smooth talker.

David: ^-^

2013-10-31 [ancienteye]: Jace: "No, he's actually tellin' the truth on that." XD

Yue: =^_^=

2013-11-01 [Kbird]: Soron: really?

David: Oh there are more of the trees with flowers over here, or I could show ya the flower hedge maze~

2013-11-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Pup has a soft spot for most anythin'." :P

Yue: "A maze?" :o

2013-11-01 [Kbird]: David: Yup! it's super fun...wish it was a bit longer though...

Soron: -.- .....seems like most Kids these days do. (referring to Yue)

2013-11-01 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Can I see?"

Jace: *gives Soron a strange look* "How old are ya, anyways?"

2013-11-01 [Kbird]: David: Of course~ Leading the way.

Soron: o.o

Betty: twenty-one~ twenty two in three months though.

2013-11-01 [ancienteye]: Yue: =^-^= *happily follows*

Jace: *to Betty* "Does he not know for himself?" e__e

2013-11-01 [Kbird]: Betty: V~V he always forgets because he finds it 'Non-important'

2013-11-01 [ancienteye]: Jace: *gives Soron another strange look* "How on earth do ya fill out your paperwork?"

2013-11-01 [Kbird]: Betty: I help him...

David: Here's the entrance!

2013-11-01 [ancienteye]: Yue: "So pretty~ This looks like so much fun!" :D

2013-11-01 [Kbird]: David: after you~ ^-^ *has memorized the maze and doesn't want to give anything away*

2013-11-01 [ancienteye]: Yue: *steps in and looks around at the options curiously*

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: ???

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: *forward, left, right, and diagonal*

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: "....Um...How about this way?" *points in the diagonal direction*

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: Alright~

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: *starts walking in that direction* :3

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: *fallowing happily* oh do watch you step...there are some roots that are easy to trip over.

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh! Thank you..." *is quite literally watching her feet, now*

Jace: "...Looks like we're not gonna see them again 'til she figures out howta get out."

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: Soron:..... >:) there are trees in the maze.. we can watch them from there!

David: I'll look out for roots you enjoy the flowers and decide where to go.

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Are ya sure ya wanna see that~?" *teasing since he knows David better then that*

Yue: "Oh, ok." *looks up and smiles at the sight of the flowers*

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: Soron: =____= *zooms up tree as if ready to ponce on David*

David: =D see much better~

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Jace: O.O "It was a joke! Pup's as harmless as they get!"

Yue: "Much~ The flowers are all so pretty~ And very different from the specimens outside of the maze..."

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: The garden is made to get more and more beautiful the deeper you go~ Oh you'll love the center of the Maze, that's where a lot of the rare flowers are.

Soron: then why'd you say that? >:/

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Really?" :D "It sounds wonderful~"

Jace: "Again, it was a /joke/." >:/ *climbs up the tree to where Soron is* "David's trustworthy on this sorta thing."

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: Soron: Hmmm.....

David: I'll make sure you see it...unless you get through it on your own, which is highly possible.

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Jace: "...Unless she's got a furry form or is made a sugar. In which case..." >____>

Yue: *goes right with a giggle* "Thank you~ Do you come through this often?"

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: almost every day off.. ^-^'

Soron:.....I don't think she does..but what if she does?

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: "I can see why~" *smiles at him*

Jace: "Then we'll be needin' a crowbar." e_____e

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: Soron: oh...0.0

David: so, will you come here on your days off?

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Um...maybe...I'll have to start keeping track of what days I have off, first." >__>

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: you don't already?

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: "No....I mostly just know if Betty kicks me out of the lab for the day."

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: 0.0 wow..... I find it great that you're so dedicated, but you really need to get out more, it ain't healthy for you to be bottled up in a lab all the time.

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Betty says that's where I belong..."

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: ^-^' your a living person, you don't belong in just one area.

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: "But...all my work and my room and my books and my music and..."

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: Yue, you can be in there, but you shouldn't spend all your time there, there's hundreds of thousands of fun things to experience, and if you don't go out and try to experiences some of it, your just short changing yourself.

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: "...Really?" *blinks*

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: absolutely!

Soron: 0.0 is he right?

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Um, what's Soron trying to say? :/

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: ooops

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh...I...guess I can come out here, then...."

Jace: "Well, yeah, he's right! It's a big world, an' it's meant ta be seen, y'know!"

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: ^-^ Please, Promise that you'll go outside the facility sometimes~ now, or after a cure is found.

Soron: >__>

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh, the virus wouldn't affect me, anyways. But I...I'm supposed to avoid situations that could cause a breakage of the skin..."

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: :/ huh? Okay I'm all ears, why's that?

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Well, if something cuts or bites me, I'll start bleeding. And if anyone other than Betty tries to treat or bandage me...Or even if she doesn't have her gloves on hand! Oh, that would be so terrible..."

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: <:o Umm never mind don't worry about it. ^-^ there's no thorns or anything sharp to cut you here.

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh, thank you~ I'd hate to burn these pretty flowers..."

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: * abit confused but doesn't want to ask* I think we're getting close to the center.

Soron: :/ I guess he's not far

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Already?" :D

Jace: "...What's that she was sayin' 'bout burnin' flowers?" :/

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: Soron: she has acidic blood.

David: ^-^' we've actually been walking for a while.

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Really? It seems like so short a time..."

Jace: "....Wha?" O.O "I never heard a that..."

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: Time fly's when your having fun~

Soron: yup, one of the reason she's doesn't com up much....her blood is used to make those liquid ice bullets, dagger tips, and swords.

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: *giggles* "I suppose it does~"

Jace: "Sh-she...uh..." *looks about ready to fall out of the tree and pass out*

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: Soron: *grabs his shoulder* -__- get down before passing out*

David: ^-^ which way?

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Uh...ah....nah..I think I'm a little better, now..." *shakes his head vigorously*

Yue: "Um....Left!"

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: alright~ *starts going left*

Soron: :/ you sure, you acted kinda of weird, I mean all I was saying his Yue is practically a responsible for over half the weapons in the facility there for, without her we probably would be undead chow by now.

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: *goes left as well*

Jace: @_______@

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: *stops for a moment and looks around* >:/

Soron: errr...hey why is he looking around like that...?

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Is something wrong?"

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: I think we're being watched....

Soron: 0.0 how'd he realize?!

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Jace: "I trained him~" *looks very proud of himself*

Yue: *twists her ring around her finger nervously*

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: ^-^ wait here, I'll be back in a sec~

Soron: Holy crap! he had a death look a moment ago... should we hide? 0.0 =>.> = <.< = >.>

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Jace: *chuckles and pats Soron's back (perhaps a little too hard, since he's sort of strong...)* "Nah~ Pup's just worried it's a spy or somethin'."

Yue: "Alright~" ^-^

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: Soron: *manages to keep from getting wacked of the tree*

David: *quickly jumps and pulls himself up onto a tree branch making his way towards them*

Soron: TT~TT I haven't written my will yet...

David: *stops* :/ Jace? what are you doing?

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Jace: *gestures with his thumb to Soron* "Keepin' company with your new girl's foster daddy, over here."

2013-11-03 [Kbird]:

David: New girls? Oh ya mean my new friend Yue?! ^-^

Soron: -___- 'foster daddy'?

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Jace: XP "Well, ya gotta admit, ya were rather over-protective there~"

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: <:o I don't want her getting hurt, specially since she seems really worried about it.

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Jace: "....Wasn't talkin' ta ya, but it's good ta see ya takin' some initiative." XD "That's all the sorta thing I like ta hear ya say!"

2013-11-03 [Kbird]:
Soron: -___- hurt her and I skin you.

David: ^-^ understood, I'm going to get back to her.

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Jace: *gestures to Soron* "Ya see what I mean? Yet five seconds ago he was shakin', thinkin' ya were gonna rip him apart just for bein' up here." XD

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: ^-^ I would do that! >:) unless you're bad~

Soron: good to know...

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Yeah, yeah~ Don't forget your date, pup~"

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: Oh bye! *jumps down and goes back*

Soron: -__= isn't he human?

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Yep~" *looks very proud*

Yue: "What did you see?"

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: Soron: nice work....

David: hmmm You foster dad... and Mommy~

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: *looks incredibly confused* "I...don't have a foster dad...?"

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: Huh? Oh ummm he had black hair, it covered one of his eyes, oh his eyes where red...he was wearing mainly black...

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: "...That sounds a lot like Soron..."

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: .... I think that's what Betty called him once...

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Soron's not much older then me...Oh! And your file doesn't say anything about your parents, so who's 'Mommy'?" :o

2013-11-03 [Kbird]: David: XD Jace! I call him mommy when I'm on a sugar I do it to tease.

2013-11-03 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh~" *giggles* "That /is/ rather silly~"

2013-11-04 [Kbird]: David: ^-^ Not to much, I mean he's still family, and mother,brother,sister,father...there just specifics for the word family.

2013-11-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Yes, but he's a male. At least according to his blood and records..."

2013-11-04 [Kbird]: David: XD he is.

2013-11-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: ^-^ *a little confused*

2013-11-04 [Kbird]: David: Hmmm it's fun to get both Anna and him together and call Anna daddy and him Mommy

2013-11-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh, they're a couple, right?"

Jace: *nearly falls out of tree, again*

2013-11-04 [Kbird]: Soron: 0.0 what? aren't you?

David: Eh.... Not yet, but just about anyone that sees them thinks they are.

2013-11-04 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Not accordin' ta her." TT_____TT

Yue: "Oh...Betty seemed to imply..."

2013-11-04 [Kbird]: Soron: Oh...sorry.

David: Yeah, they might as well's mainly because of Anabells stubbornness that they aren't

2013-11-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: "What do you mean?"

2013-11-04 [Kbird]: David: Anna's one of those people who don't want to risk being in a relation because, one,
she doesn't want a destruction on the battle field,
two, she's had a lot of people die around her, and doesn't want to get to close,
three, see's "to busy for things like that" and four,
She doesn't understand it at all. -___-

2013-11-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh...But if they're practically in a relationship already, then they're obviously close enough that those first three reasons are void."

2013-11-05 [Kbird]: David: you'd think... but Anna doesn't agree.

2013-11-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Then she's being highly illogical." :/

2013-11-05 [Kbird]: David: Yep she is. ^-^

2013-11-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: "I don't understand it."

2013-11-05 [Kbird]: David: Hmmm emotions are hard to understand I guess.... :/

2013-11-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Very." *nods, then glances around at her options* "....This way?" *points left*

2013-11-05 [Kbird]: David: alright. ^-^

2013-11-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: *walks left* "You said we were getting close? Is this the right direction?"

2013-11-05 [Kbird]: David: Well~ there's a gate, I'll let you open it and see~

2013-11-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: *gives David a nervous smile, then goes and opens the gate*

2013-11-05 [Kbird]: * huge opening of flowers and trees with a fount with benches around it in the middle*

2013-11-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: *o*

2013-11-05 [Kbird]: David: Like it?

2013-11-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: "I-it''s so...."

2013-11-05 [Kbird]: David: so what?

2013-11-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: "So vibrant!"

2013-11-05 [Kbird]: David: XD is that good?

2013-11-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: "It's amazing!"

2013-11-05 [Kbird]: David: glad you like it!

Soron: she looks so happy. *looking very pleased*

2013-11-05 [ancienteye]: Jace: "She really doesn't get out much, huh?"

2013-11-05 [Kbird]: Soron: Like I's really risky, I don't want her getting hurt.

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